History of England Part 2

       1066 century,Normans were led by William (Duke of Norman)to battle with Anglo-Saxon and defeated them.The war caused the last King of Anglo Saxon,King Harold II to die.Normans changed much social and politic in England.
       After William,the next throne tell to 2 sons of William(William II and Henry I),after that Henry I chose his daughter,Matilda.But the barons joined Stephen's side(William I 's grandson)to become the next king.That incident made Matilda renegade.This situation introduce us of the term"Anarchy" for the first time.England in this period had hard and unstable situation.In 1154 the son of Matilda,Henry II obtained the throne.When Henry II ruled,there was many opposing party and one of them were his sons(Ricard and John).
       Henry was dead and the throne was down to Richard who called Richard The Lionheart.The King had almost never been in the castle because he led the Crusader.At the end he was killed and John took the throne.In 1215,the barons cornered the king to ratificate the "Great Charter" known as the "Magna Carta".Magna Carta which said quarentee and rights of freedom equality for all nobles.Because of the political tense caused "The First Baron's War".
       In 1216,John was dead and replaced by the crown prince,Henry III at 9 years old.After Henry III became king,once again there was a resistance "The Second Baron' War" which started by Simon de Montfort.Finally of the of 1265 by the king's agreement,Magna Carta was consented.


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